Planning the lift

Module 5 – Planning the Lift

It is vital that every lifting operation has been properly planned and appropriately supervised, a risk assessment has been carried out, and that the lift is completed in a safe and sensible manner. All candidates involved in the lifting operation must have received the proper training and are competent to carry out their role in the activity.

A risk assessment needs to be completed before any operations, with the following points needing to be covered:

  • The load – such as the weight, size, and stability amongst a host of other factors.
  • Tag Lines
  • Lifting Accessories – such as are they appropriate and certifications as well as numerous other checks
  • Lifting Equipment – such as the lifting capacity and weights to name a few of the checks that need to be completed
  • Weather – such as wind, rain, and visibility
  • Wind Speeds
  • Site Conditions – such as ground conditions, overhead conditions, and the landing areas, as well as the general condition, and other factors that need to be considered
  • Signalling

These are just some of the areas that need to be included within a risk assessment, with only a handful of the checks that need to be completed mentioned. You will need to go into more detail within your risk assessment and ensure you have covered all aspects.

Planning a lift will ensure all aspects have been considered, the lift is carried out safely and all delegates know what they need to do during the operation.